Saturday, March 24, 2007

i`m still alive

I have been exhausted! I`m having chemo and it isn`t too bad. It mainly just makes me really tired. I have been working in my flowerbeds. Last year I was afraid I wouldn`t be around to see another spring. I hope to see many more. I am feeling good and think I`m gonna beat this. Ken and the kids are doing good. Greg and Christine are looking for a house. They have decided on a name Rielly Patrick Husch. Patrick is for my brother and it is Gregs middle name. I gained a pound last week. Now I just need to gain 8 more. I am going to call Dr Lyons next week and see about getting a port put in. I am tired of them running IV`s. It hurts too much. I am also going to see if he can take the little basal cell off my lip. Well thats all for now. Bye

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


My chemo went pretty well.I felt fine Fri. Sat Silvia came over. We had a nice visit. Sat night i startee feeling bad. I was up all night. My tummy was upset all night long. Friday nihjt when I was dressing for bed and noticed a new abcess, The abcess opened on its own Sat. I called the dr and I am on antibiotics. i hope i can have my chemo Fri I really want to get this over and down with.

Friday, March 02, 2007


I went to chemo today. I feel ok. When I was changing into my pj`s I found a new abscess. It hasn`t opened up yet but I`m sure it will this weekend. I wonder if that is why I have been getting headaches. I hope I can go to chemo next week. I want to get it over with! Gawd Ken told me tonight he doesnT want Danny to go to school next year and i just boo-hooed!!!! I am going to try to get MHMR to come get him ready for school in the mornings. Ken is exhausted. He has been doing absolutely everything. I am doing good to water my plants and put out bird feed. I really want him to go to school or I will be stressed trying to get him to activities to keep him somewhat busy. He is losing some weight around 30 pounds this year and if he doesn`t go to school all he wants to do is play on his computer and nintendo. If I feel good enough i`m going to make Easter or st.Patricks day cookies for school. I miss going to school activiities. Mon is Texas pubic school week and i am planning to go Monday night.I had to get up early so I think i`ll go to sleep early. peace and love

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