Saturday, March 24, 2007
i`m still alive
I have been exhausted! I`m having chemo and it isn`t too bad. It mainly just makes me really tired. I have been working in my flowerbeds. Last year I was afraid I wouldn`t be around to see another spring. I hope to see many more. I am feeling good and think I`m gonna beat this. Ken and the kids are doing good. Greg and Christine are looking for a house. They have decided on a name Rielly Patrick Husch. Patrick is for my brother and it is Gregs middle name. I gained a pound last week. Now I just need to gain 8 more. I am going to call Dr Lyons next week and see about getting a port put in. I am tired of them running IV`s. It hurts too much. I am also going to see if he can take the little basal cell off my lip. Well thats all for now. Bye