Sunday, July 31, 2005

beer can chicken  Posted by Picasa

Paula Deen`s peach cobbler, I over cooked it. I`ll do better next time. Posted by Picasa

look at all the peaches  Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 28, 2005

more weird dreams

Last night I remembered my dream. It was a weird one! I dreamed I was carrying a little pig around. I was in some very nice house and I put the pig down on a bed and it pooped all over it. I tried to clean it up but the guy that owned the house caught me and was of course mad. Then I was trying on dresses. I tried on a red one and a blue flowered one. Then someone gave me a horses jaw bone. A kid was swinging outside a fire department on a tire swing. At one point I was looking at some stadiums. Then I was at the airport and there was a bomb and the clock the timer was set up to was an american airlines clock. The wires to the bomb were cut and it didn`t go off. That was all I remembered. My dream book says pigs are selfishness. The pig pooping is cleansing of thoughts, ideas, experiences. The bomb represents enormous enrgy potential ....may indicate great emotional suppressionn the verge of exploding. great just what I need. Huh says seek .The dresses , the roles or games you play. Well at any rate it was a pretty crazy dream.

chennil plant  Posted by Picasa

these are the coolest flowers  Posted by Picasa

Have a lot more to pick Posted by Picasa

picked a bunch of peaches  Posted by Picasa

picked a peach Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

I love passion vines  Posted by Picasa

just another week until I pick these babies  Posted by Picasa

new flowerbed is growing nicely Posted by Picasa

look at all the peaches Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Today I got up and weed-eated and mowed the lawn. I also picked up all the peaches that have fallen. Then I watered some. After lunch Danny and I went swimming. It was wonderful. The water felt great. Krystal was there. She wanted to know if Tommy was going to be in town for my birthday so he could drive back to Atlanta with her. I wish Mike would buy him a ticket because I sure won`t and I would rather he spend his money on insurance. He hasn`t called back about his wreck. Tomorrow i hope I can get Danny to go swimming for a bit. I may just go for awhile when he is out with Frankie. I am getting sleepy even though I took a little nap. Guess I needed a longer nap. I will try to remember my dreams tonight. I hope I can I haven`t the last few nights.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

When Gay and I were out checking out the art studio I drove by mom`s house to show Gay where I grew up. Terry`s truck was gone and mom`s car was in the driveway. So she is out driving and he is gone as always. Grrrrrrrrr

Crazy Week

Mom had her catarac surgery the 20th. It went well. Terry took her to the hospital and Sue was there with her. She was home by 10 or 10:30. Terry drives me crazy. Did I write about the canoe? Terry and David borrowed a conoe from us maybe 4 years ago. It really belongs to Ken`s brother, Alan. Well David sold it which to say the least has Ken and I are rather pissed off. We just found out about this a week or 2 ago. Terry has sold something of mine before so he has a history. He sold a twin bed I lent him once. It was a match to another bed I had and it was also my grandparents. So I was already pissed at Terry. He also went out of town last weekend and didn`t tell Sue or me. He doesn`t pay rent to mom even though he has been living there for 8 or so years. He is a bum. David is even a bigger bum, he doesn`t even have a job.
Well Terry called to tell me about moms eye drops and I wasn`t too sympathetic. He called Sue. Sue defends him like he is so noble or something. My family drives me crazy sometimes. Oh what really pissed me off yesterday was that Terry told mom to drive to Tom Thumb. She does not need to be driving! She got lost Monday. This is our one chance to keep her from driving for a while and he tells her to drive. Sue and I got in a fight on the phone. She hung up on me so I called back and finished my point to her answering machine. I also went to Dr. Hoffman yesterday and finally got my physical. I got some effexor and refills for my thyroid I have to go back Monday and get my blood work. Had my pap smear. He wants me to have a colonoscopy. I am not looking forward to that at all!!! I also need to get my mamogram and call the dr about my lip.
Ken just pigtailed the outlets in the little bedroom and is washing the windows as I type this.
Yesterday was fragile x awareness day and i watched some of a webcast conference. It was really cool. I hope they do more. Well that is it for now.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

heavy with fruit  Posted by Picasa

spinnerI got in St louis  Posted by Picasa

still waiting to pick  Posted by Picasa

jemsonweed Posted by Picasa

weird dream

I dreamed I went to Joplin. I was in some house that had the Hughes` furniture and some really ols stuff. There was window with a train on it. It was very old , looked like a photo but wasn`t. I was also with a pro basketball player. With him in the Biblical sense. Then some people came over and i was just wearing a sheet off the bed. There was a fight of some sort and I ended up with a gun someone handed me. I asked the guy if he was going to be in the olympics and he said yes. At the end of the dream Ken asked if it was worth risking our love. Now if that isn`t strange I don`t know what is.
I am trying to post garden pics but having trouble with blogger bot, it says its off line.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

The night after I last wrote I had some crazy dreams. I wrote it down but I have since lost it. I remember I was at a real fancy party and I had on a strapless gown.
It was at my employers.I think I was the nanny and I think I had something going on with the man. There was opera music playing at the party. At another part I was running down dirt road, I think in a park and big wooden retaining wall fell. I tried to put it back up but I couldn`t move it.
The night after that I dreamed I was in a store and put something in my pocket. It was clear plastic package and I think it was empty. A woman saw me and the someone took my picture with a camera that had a huge flash bulb.
Last night I dreamed about horses.
Yesterday the admitted Becky to Millwood hospital. They say she is suicidal. I think its a mess. I`m afraid to say what I really think, I`m not sure who reads this.
Tonight we played dominos and once again the women kicked the mens butts.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

missed a couple days

Well I haven`t been keeping this up very well. Not too much is happening. Billy Joe Shaver was on Fresh Air on NPR today. This is the web site addy
It was a good interview!!!I cleaned house today. I have so many cobwebs it looks like I`m raising spiders.Tomorrow morning Danny, Frankie and I are going swimming, unless it rains. I haven`t been trying to remember my dreams. I hope I do tonight.
I talked to the woman from social security yesterday. I called back today and left the info on her voice mail I didn`t have yesterday. Today I told her I was going to charge Danny $300.00 a month rent. I wonder how much his check will go up. Hope it happens next month. I need to make sure I take my phone to the pool in case she calls. I sure do ramble. Hard to believe I was ever an English major. I just feel like I have so little to write about. I guess Im` feeling kind of down. I have got to go to the doctor next week. I only have 4 thyroid pills left. Okay guess I`m done for now.

Monday, July 11, 2005

weekend is over

I went to peach fest yesterday in Weatherford. It was fun but hot. We ate cobbler and ice cream. Listened to a little music and looked at all the boothes. Some guy brushed up against me and said something lewd I think , but I`m so deaf I`m not sure what he said. I told Ken after we left. He asked me why I didn`t say anything when it happened and I said because I didn`t know what he said for sure. Anyway I didn`t want to make a scene.
I went swimming with Gay and Danny this afternnon at Sue`s. We had fun. It is real late I need to go to bed. I`ll try and write more tomorrow.

Friday, July 08, 2005

By the backdoor  Posted by Picasa

MMM can`t wait to pick `em  Posted by Picasa

an almost ripe peach Posted by Picasa

The rain did a world of good Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 07, 2005

favorite hanging basket Posted by Picasa

little peaches Posted by Picasa

verbena Posted by Picasa

zinnas  Posted by Picasa

petunias Posted by Picasa

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