Thursday, July 28, 2005

more weird dreams

Last night I remembered my dream. It was a weird one! I dreamed I was carrying a little pig around. I was in some very nice house and I put the pig down on a bed and it pooped all over it. I tried to clean it up but the guy that owned the house caught me and was of course mad. Then I was trying on dresses. I tried on a red one and a blue flowered one. Then someone gave me a horses jaw bone. A kid was swinging outside a fire department on a tire swing. At one point I was looking at some stadiums. Then I was at the airport and there was a bomb and the clock the timer was set up to was an american airlines clock. The wires to the bomb were cut and it didn`t go off. That was all I remembered. My dream book says pigs are selfishness. The pig pooping is cleansing of thoughts, ideas, experiences. The bomb represents enormous enrgy potential ....may indicate great emotional suppressionn the verge of exploding. great just what I need. Huh says seek .The dresses , the roles or games you play. Well at any rate it was a pretty crazy dream.
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