Saturday, July 23, 2005

Crazy Week

Mom had her catarac surgery the 20th. It went well. Terry took her to the hospital and Sue was there with her. She was home by 10 or 10:30. Terry drives me crazy. Did I write about the canoe? Terry and David borrowed a conoe from us maybe 4 years ago. It really belongs to Ken`s brother, Alan. Well David sold it which to say the least has Ken and I are rather pissed off. We just found out about this a week or 2 ago. Terry has sold something of mine before so he has a history. He sold a twin bed I lent him once. It was a match to another bed I had and it was also my grandparents. So I was already pissed at Terry. He also went out of town last weekend and didn`t tell Sue or me. He doesn`t pay rent to mom even though he has been living there for 8 or so years. He is a bum. David is even a bigger bum, he doesn`t even have a job.
Well Terry called to tell me about moms eye drops and I wasn`t too sympathetic. He called Sue. Sue defends him like he is so noble or something. My family drives me crazy sometimes. Oh what really pissed me off yesterday was that Terry told mom to drive to Tom Thumb. She does not need to be driving! She got lost Monday. This is our one chance to keep her from driving for a while and he tells her to drive. Sue and I got in a fight on the phone. She hung up on me so I called back and finished my point to her answering machine. I also went to Dr. Hoffman yesterday and finally got my physical. I got some effexor and refills for my thyroid I have to go back Monday and get my blood work. Had my pap smear. He wants me to have a colonoscopy. I am not looking forward to that at all!!! I also need to get my mamogram and call the dr about my lip.
Ken just pigtailed the outlets in the little bedroom and is washing the windows as I type this.
Yesterday was fragile x awareness day and i watched some of a webcast conference. It was really cool. I hope they do more. Well that is it for now.
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