Thursday, January 04, 2007

Wed. night or Thur.morning

I saw Dr.Lyons today. He stuffed gauze in my abscess. I hope it is the last one I get but I kind of doubt it will be.
He said the hard part of my scar is the calcified blood is almost like bone. I also told him about my blog but I don`t think I gave him the right address. I go back to him next week so I`ll give him the right addy then.
I am getting my hair cut tomorrow thank God. It is too long and it gets flat when it is too long.
I bought some new mascara today and threw all the old ones I had out.
I still haven`t been able to gain any weight but I haven`t lost anymore either. My ass is gone. I am really skinny except for my deformed tummy. My stomach looks so weird. Oh well as long as the cancer is gone I guess is all that matters. I get lab work done Fri and they are going check my CA-19. I hope my numbers are still low. I need to down load some pics onto here but I think my camera is in Dannys room and he is asleep.
It was weird being home alone today. Danny went back to school today. I ran into Mrs Mayo at Walmart and she said he had a good day today. She said he is so funny :) I think he is funny too.
I need to Dr. Cockrell and make an appointment to get his teeth checked but it is so traumatic but it has to be done. I also need to call the dermatologist because I think I have another basal cell on my lip :(.
Well it is really late and I better get some sleep. I`ll right more tomorrow and I`ll try to download some new pics.
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