Thursday, January 18, 2007

not doing so good on my resolution

Okay I know I still need to blog more. I was supposed to have started chemo yesterday but it was snowy and icy and it was cancelled. I go tomorrow instead. I am sooo tired of this cold weather,jeez I`m Texas it shouldn`t be this cold. But then again it is stock show time and the weather usually sucks for that but usually not this bad.
I have been having super weird dreams not that that is anything new. Last night I dreamed I had a kidnapped baby at my house. I didn`t kidnap it but i took it in. All the family was over and no one asked about the baby. I also dreamed I had my horse back and my Sammy cat came home. Oh and I had a stolen dog here too, a black lab.
The night before I dreamed I was in Joplin and it was snowing there and I didn`t have a car and wasn`t dressed for the weather. I had walked and walked trying to find the old neighborhood. I ended up on a dead end street that had a little antique store and I went in and talked to the woman. I decided to steal a car and got in a shoot out with her hubby. I killed them both but i was hit between the eyes but I was ok. That was the end of the dream. Maybe the dreams are from all the meds I`m taking. I keep falling asleep with my labtop in bed. The ambien really knocks me out.
Well I guess I should be going to bed. I`ll right tomorrow and let you know how chemo goes.
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