Tuesday, May 09, 2006


My blog was slow coming up I was worried it was gone. Yesterday I went to Methodist in Dallas and had the internal sonogram and biopsy. I don`t have the biopsy results yet but the sonogram was good news. There is a small tumor but there is a space between it and what ever major blood vessel is there so it is very operative. On the way home we went to whataburger. What a mistake!! I was so sick last night. I still feel kinda weak today. I just called the dentist and I get my teeth cleaned Thursday. I pre register at the hospital May 25th. Danny stayed home from school today because they were going to the zoo and he didn`t want to go. Last year I went with him but I just couldn`t go today. Amy just called she interviewed at Sam today and thought it went well. That would be cool if she taught there. Okay I think I`ll take a shower I think I`ll feel better.
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