Sunday, March 12, 2006
The Big Roadshow
I am beat. Today was the big roadshow petition drive to get Kinky on the ballot. I went to headquarters at 8 this morning. We got our packets and more training. Kinky spoke and got us pumped up. Around 11 they turned us loose on the streets. I had 2 apartment complexs on Handley Drive. There were 6 buildings in all. I talked to several felons. They would have signed if the could have. I met a gay guy that was really funny and a felon also I think. The black community sure doesn`t like Rick Perry. Which is great cause I don`t like him either. I also had a court and one other short street. I did pretty good I gots 37 signatures today and turned in 11 I already had. I think 3 or 4 we couldn`t find registation numbers for though. I did better than a lot of people though. I really lucked out getting apartments. Less walking and more people were home. I was ringing doorbells and knocking on doors for about 4 and a half hours I think. I came home around 3 and had a sandwhich and finished up on the streets I hadn`t gone to yet. I got back to headquarters around 6:30. I had to look up all the registrations numbers for the people that signed the blank forms. Then I had to get all the forms tallied and notorized. Then I got my wristband for the party. The party was fun. They had lots of food and beer and wine. To bad I don`t drink beer or wine. Kinky spoke again tonight. I got my picture taken with Kinky and Little Jewford. They were both really sweet. Kinky also signed my button. I was home by 8:45 I guess and I jumped in the shower. Boy I am worn out but happy I could help out. Friday night I am going to the Tanstaal for a signing party too. I have the 11 to 2;00 am shift. Ok thats all for now.