Wednesday, January 25, 2006

more wild dreams

Last night I had more wild dreams! This one I was in Fort Worth and Greg and Tommy were in elementary school. I went to the school for a field day. I was barefooted and I had something in my foot. I pulled it out and it was a long piece of plastic. Greg and I were also doing this board game and you had to put the national bird on the right country. Right as we got them all on I was looking at the answers on the side of the board when the wind blew all pieces off. We had to go into a lot next door that was real weedy and overgrown and look for them. After the field day I was leaving and couldn`t find my car but I found a bike so I was leaving on it. I got lost though and was riding through TCU. I almost got hit by a firetruck. Then i took the bike down some steps and through a dorm. I was riding down the street and then i almost got on the freeway but instead rode down the acess street. It went down a hill then up and dead ended and i almost ran into a wall. I turned around and went down the hill again and the handle bars broke so I was walking again. It was a dirt rode then with shacks around and a bunch of guys. It was like a slum you see in Mexico or somewhere. The were cicling around me and I was scared. I told one guy I was 50 and to leave me alone. I also had a dog with me. I had a cell phone but it was inflatable and it had a hole in it and so I couldn`t get it to work. I walked by a car with a couple prostitutes in it. Then I walked up this ramp and sat in an abandoned truck bed with some people. I kept trying to get the phone to work but the only person I could call was my mom and knew she would never find me. Then I woke up.
I had a good day. I worked in my flowerbeds raking leaves and weeding. I took Danny bowling and he won both games. He rolled a 108 and 106. I watched Lost and played spades.
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