Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Another long day

I woke up at 6 as always but I didn`t go back to bed when Danny left because I had a dermatologist appointment. She gave me a different antibiotic that hopefully won`t upset my stomache. I also bought some expensive cleanser/mask. Then I bought some new makeup that has high spf. Karen came for in home training. I bitched about the APE teacher. I wrote Anglea a note saying I want a conference with the APE teacher. I`m mad Danny wasn`t invited to play volleyball or baseball for special olympics. He better be next year. Spring games will be coming up and I want to make sure he gets enter in the right events.
I broke my dang glasses tonight and so I called Gay and made an appointment to get my eyes tested tomorrow. I have to get a new pair. I might get the cateye glasses I saw when Tommy was getting his new glasses.
Danny fell asleep after Karen left and he wouldn`t get up for bowling. He really was pooped. Oh well he goes bowling with Frankie tomorrow.
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