Friday, November 11, 2005
Crazy dreams
I had the craziest dream last night. I had some reason I needed some money or something so I was in Fort Worth and this cop gave me this little hand held lawn mower. It fit on the palm of my hand hand kind of like a palm sander. It had little metal teeth like a flower frog and it cut the grass great. I was mowing the area between the street and the sidewalk with this little mower. i also had another thing strapped to my hand. At one point it came on and it was a little hand held tv/radio. The screen folded out kind of like a laptop but it was soft. Before I found the tv though I was mowing around peoples porches and under their porches. I hid from one guy. I talked to one woman and her little kid. She had two cats on her porch. I also mowed the grass on a semi`s trailer. It was a flat board trailer with some grass growing on it. After i got through hiding I ran across and the tv started working and some girl was telling me how it worked. She took me in her house and her sister tried to steal it. I finallt=y got it back and left. I walked out into a really beautiful garden. It had petunia trees. I asked about them and a woman said someone made them by grafting the petunias on them. The were lots of real pretty flowers in pots. In another part of my dream I was at a baseball game but it was indoors. Ushers came and starting passing trays of food down the aisles. It ended up piling up at my seat.Was some strange food. One thing was some green jello and whip cream and some other stuff on it. There were also eclairs and chocolate covered cherries.Some girl walked by and said hi Tracy but I didn`t know who she was. Then she started giving the weather forcast from the doorway. I asked whoever I was with if the girl was a weathergirl on Tv and she said she didn`t know. Then I was at some factory where there was a huge trough were they did something with these big metal poles. A friend was trying to feed this tube through and almost fell in. At the end of the dream I was going to go to my apartment but I didn`t have my key. Someone else went and got me one. Was a crazy dream for sure !!!