Monday, October 24, 2005

Another 4 am wake up call

I was having some really weird dreams when the phone rang. All I could think of was Mom was dead It was Adam. When I heard Adams voice I thought ok Tommy is dead. I always think the worst. Adams voice was too calm though. Tommy was in jail. Adams story was very vague. Something about he being out in his car with no insurance and he has a suspended license and the passenger ran when they were stopped ,that the cops went to the apartment to see if the runner was there. The cops knocked on the door and Tommy let them in and he was busted for weed and pipes. That was Adams story to me. Well Tommy called collect of course around 11:00 with a very different story. Tommy was arrested for 7 felonies and some weed. His story was he was home he thought Adam was coming in and it was the swat team. They searched the whole apartment and took the guns, weed and pipes. And took him to jail. It started with Adam and some guy in Adams car. They were stopped somehow and Adam ran from the cop and at some point pulled a gun on the cop.Supposedly an undercover cop. Adam was arrested for evading arrest assaulting a police officer and cocaine. And a gun charge I`m sure. They are also getting evicted. I talked to Julie Adams mom and she said she talked to her dad. He is Adams and Tommys boss in Georgia. He is going to get a truck and the boys stuff from their apartment and find out what the bail is. That is all I know at this point. I am so freaked out. I just want Tommy to come home and shape up and never see Adam again. Ken and I are both disgusted with whole thing. I really am hoping Tommy will see how things are going to be if he keeps hanging out with people he hangs with. I`ll write more later. I need to water my flowers and mediatate a bit. I`ll write about my dream later.
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