Tuesday, September 20, 2005
I`ve been busy
It has been a busy week so far. Saturday I took Maisey to be groomed for Mom. She really looks good!!! She looks so much younger. They did a sprniger clip and did a great job. Saturday night we played dominos. I also mowed the backyard Saturday and lost that darn little piece out of the weededeater. I`ve been looking for it everyday but it is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Sunday was pretty uneventfull. Yesterday i took the pugs to the vet. Cookie has and infection :( and both of them have ear mites again. I bought mom some flowers and a pie. She likes pie. May not be the most healthy thing to eat but at least she eats it. When i went over to her house last night the dog across the street was out in his front yard and her next door neighbor was taking his 2 dogs to the park with no leashes on them. Man that pisses me off. That is why mom fell because of some lose dog. I need to give Cookie her pill and take a shower. I`ll try to get back in the habit of writting more often.