Monday, May 16, 2005

Mother and the scammers

Mom called and said she won $2,800.00 and that she had a check. I had her read it all to me and its a scam. She showed up over here about 30 minutes later. I read the letter told her again it was a scam. She kept saying she would ask at the bank. Of course she never listens to me. I called the number in the letter and had a screaming fight with some African scam artist. I swear my blood pressure was going up and i finally hung up on the bastard. It said write in the letter it was a loan to insure her winnings. Damn she better not cash that check. I couldn`t just take it from her or she would think I was trying to steal her money. I have got to get Sue to write the cease and decist letter to mail to all these leeches. OKay thats my rant for the day.
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