Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Had ARD today

We had Danny`s ARD today. It went okay. Danny had to be there. I`ll be glad when the gaurdianship is in place so he doesn`t have to go to all these boring meetings. He didn`t get OT but I`m going to ask for another ARD as soon as school starts in August. We are going to be getting in home training starting next week probably. The special ed counciler seemed like a pencil pusher. I don`t think she does any counciling. Of course I didn`t like the diagnostician either. I`ve never met one I have liked yet. I wish I had the ARD papers. I don`t who was there from administration. Maybe that was the councilor. I hate ARDS. I also told them Danny would not be going to EYS because I was not at all impressed with the program and he needs a break this summer anyway. I want to keep him in school but things need to get better.
Danny came home with me after the ARD. When we got home I realized I didn`t have my house key. I went to Kens work to get his and he was in Dallas. Then we went to Gregs and he was home and I got his. I made Danny and myself lunch then painted the woodwork. I was going to try to paint more but it started to rain so I had to get everything in the garage. I`ll try to get a lot done tomorrow.
I`m still waiting on the cop to come and serve Danny with his papers.
We are under a tornado watch.
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