Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I have got to clean the house today! I have someone from probate court coming to do a home visit tomorrow.I wish this whole guardianship thing was over.
Dannys teacher called last night and said Danny is just too sleepy from his meds. I need to call the doctor today. I am ready to stop them.
I will be so glad when this school year is over. I am not sending Danny to summer school this summer. When I visited summer school last year Danny was in a class with just 4 or 5 kids and they were all so low functioniong. It was totally depressing and Danny had to have been bored out of his mind.
I came up with some goals for in home training.
1. Walk the dog
2. Go to the library and get 2 books a week.
The woman is coming to do the evaluation Friday.
Karen said the OT should be calling me too.
Danny`s ARD is next week. I really hate ARD`s. You would think I`d be used to them by now. Everything is always so rushed at the end of the year.
Ok thats all for now. I`m going to take a shower.

Monday, March 28, 2005


Ok I am giving up on tiltles.
I`m tired. Yesterday was fun. It started out cold and rainy. It cleared up in the afternnon and we able to have our Easter egg hunt.
Mom,Terry, Susan, Amy, Becky,Summer,Carlie,Wade, Lynn, Duke, Danny, Ken and I were here for brunch. Greg came by later. Micheal was sick so he stayed home.Mom left early of course.
We all had fun. The food was all delious of course. We got Susan laughing so hard she peed in her pants. I don`t even remember what we were laughing about.
Its still cold here this morning but its supposed to warm up thank goodness.
I have a busy week this week. Well kinda busy. Barrie Allen is coming Thursday about the guardianship and someones coming Friday about in home training.
Okay thats all for now. I`m cold and I`m gonna take a shower.


Saturday, March 26, 2005

A very rainy Saturday morning

It`s pouring! This morning around 3 I heard maybe the loudest thunder I`ve ever heard. I`m glad for the rain but I sure hope it stops. I don`t want an Easter egg hunt in my house. I should get busy cleaning and cooking. I have so much to do !! I`ll try to write more later.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Good Friday

I slept late, it was wonderful. There is no school today. I talked to my sister about the menu for Sunday. Ham , potato salad, fruit salad, baked beans, relish tray. And the deserts, chocolate marvel pie, banana pudding, cookies and maybe a brownie nut surprise pie. Oh and a chocolate cake with the cute easter candy pieces( rabbits ,eggs, chicks etc.)
Danny has been in watching videos he has made of the carousal at mall. God he loves that carousal. If i ever win the lottery i`m buying one.
Ok time to put on my face(makeup) bathe Danny and go get those pretty eggs from the vet.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

whew ...busy busy busy

I got Dannys uniform ordered and its a good thing baseball may start as soon as April 2nd.
I doctored Ernies ears and gave him his medicine.
I called the municiple court about Gregs old ticket.
I left a message for someone to call me and give me Jean Marie`s number so i can find out about baseball.
I also unloaded and loaded the dishwasher.
I alos talked to Ken twice, Greg once and Gay.
I need to run by the vets later and get some free range eggs for Easter.The eggs are really pretty. Its going to be 80 this afternoon so i`m gonna drive the caddie with top down :)
I also ordered 2 shirts for Danny ,one a texas ranger shirt and one says" don`t interrupt me while i`m ignoring you" i thought that was fitting. I also ordered him 2 pairs of shorts.
Ken will be here any minute to install the cabinets and furniture so i`m gonna go for now.

I`m still here

It`s been a busy month!!! Dannys room is coming along. I have finished painting. Ken and a delivery crew brought the furniture home yesterday and they are going to come install it today after lunch. We are going to home depot tonight and getting a door and order some mini blinds. I think it will really look great when its done.
Danny has been on the abilify for 3 weeks and so far all I see is it makes him sleepy!! He was still refusing to go classes but I talked to Karen and he now takes a notebook to each class and they fill out what he did and how he was and he has gone to evey class. I am hoping it keeps working. He loves schedules and the such so I`m hopeful. His ARD is coming up soon and they still haven`t done the evaluation for home training. I also asked about ABA and OT. I love Karen , she is so willing to ask for things for him. There is no school tomorrow, Danny is happy about that. I need to order his baseball uniform today. It will be baseball season before I now it.
Gay came by last night. I asked her about the Terri Schiavo case. She just said she couldn`t stop thinking about it. She didn`t expound on it though. With the new grandbaby home she isn`t sleeping at all. She cared for her son in a vegetative state for 9 years all by herself. She finally put him in a nursing home when she knew his end was near. She never said whether she thought pulling the feeding tube was right or not for Terri. I don`t really have an opion.
Next Thursday a woman from the probate court is coming for a home visit for the guardianship. I hope dannys room is finished by then. I have so much work to still do. The door frames are all of the hall doors and the base board is all up from getting the new floor last week. Okay time to get to work.

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