Friday, February 25, 2005

Happy birthday in heaven brother

Today is my brother Pat`s birthday. He would have been 53. He`s been gone 24 years. I still miss him. I love you Pat.


Brrr its cold outside. I`ve been spoiled by the warm weather lately. It was 80 monday and and now its almost freezing. I got up early as usual and got Danny ready for school. I had to make him an after school meal since they are going to qualification for special olympics basketball after school. I want to go back to bed but i have lots i need to do. I have to go pay for half the new fence we are getting and pay Greg`s car registration. I`m everyones goopher. I have laundry to do as usual. The bathroom is a mess, I washed the dogs yesterday. I need to clean it.
The pope is sick again. I wonder how much longer he will be around. I`m not Catholic but i hope he gets well. I haven`t heard anything from Kinky Friedmans campaigne, I volunteered to help.
They are talking about autism on the today show again. I guess i ought to listen. I hope i don`t get burned out again. After 18 years 24/7 it gets exhausting.
Okay i`m gonna get busy.

I don`t think autism can be cured with therapy

My son is autistic, he has fragile x syndrome. When i see people like Dan Moreno on the today show with his kid thats supposed to be autistic but therapy "cured" him. I say bullshit. I don`t think the kid was ever autistic. Maybe developely delayed in someways, but cut me slack, he wasn`t truely autistic. My son has had therapy since he was 2 and he ain`t cured ...not even close. It just pisses me off, its like they think well you didn`t do the right therapy or something. And all theses people that think its from vaccinations, i don`t think so. I think people just want a reason. Well i guess i`m lucky...i know why my kid is, its genetic. I saw on the Today show some Autistic school in New York tha cost $80,000 a year . God damn they better cure autism for that kind a money. Hell they probably just take marginal cases anyway. Ok i`m going to climb off my soap box and go to bed.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

My first blog

I am Tracy ,mother of Danny. Danny is an 18 year old with fragile x syndrome. He is the youngest of 3 boys and the only one with fragile x. We live in Texas. Our household is made up of (hubby/dad) Ken , Danny and me. We also share it with Sammy the cat, Ernie and Cookie, the pugs and Gil the beta fish. The two older boys, Greg 22 and Tommy 20 no longer live at home. Greg lives with his girlfriend Christine. Tommy lives in Georgia with friends and is working at cylinder head shop.
We found out Danny had fragile x in 1991. We knew all along had he something,mentally retarded or autistic. I don`t even remember if i had ever heard of fragile x when the neurologist suggested we test for it. Dannys ear tipped him off that he might have it. Big ears are a physical characteristic.
I was devasted with the results. We took Danny to Denvers Children's Hospital to be evaluated. At the time it was the leading institution studying fragile x at the time. Danny is retarded (mildly) and autistic.
Danny went to a really good pre-k school. I loved Kooken Educational Center.I made some great friends there. Danny still goes to school with some of the same kids from preschool.
When Danny was in modified kindergarten I went to an autism society meeting and heard about inclusion. I went for it. It turned out to be a nightmare. The school system really didn`t want to do it, but legally i had them over a barrel so they did it , badly. He was mainstreamed with an aide the last half of kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade. I pulled him out before the end of 2nd grade and home schooled him for 4 years. I finally had him toilet trained at 10.
After 4 years of homeschooling i was going crazy and sent him back to school.
I decided as long as he was happy and not hurt they could do what they wanted( self contained classroom)He went to elementary school for a year than to jr high for 3 years. Now he is in his 2nd year of high school and all is going ok.
Feb.13th his team won gold medals in volleyball at the state special olympics winter games.Now its basketball season and they have tournement next weekend.
Ok thats all for now I`ll write more later.

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